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Wear the right shoes for the right occasion

Source:Update time:2024-06-20 13:59:49Number of clicks:121次Font Size:T | T

Remember to wear the right shoes for the right occasions. In daily life, it is recommended to choose commuting shoes that are loose and suitable, of the right size, with the right heel height and in line with the arch physiology. Sports shoes are more suitable for long-term walking tours, and it is best to correct problems such as inversion or eversion of the foot.

High heels are one of the factors that cause knee arthritis. When climbing stairs in high heels, the load pressure on the knee joint increases by 3 times compared to usual; and when going down stairs, it can increase by 7 to 9 times. Studies have shown that the pressure on the knee joint increases by an average of 23% when walking in high heels. The normal function of the ankle joint cannot be exerted due to high heels. When walking, the knee joint must compensate to maintain a stable gait. The knee joint will bear greater pressure, and long-term tension and pressure will lead to knee arthritis. Therefore, when wearing high heels, try to climb stairs as little as possible.

If you want to wear high heels, you must choose them carefully. The right shoe last shape and heel height will make the feet less prone to fatigue; if the shoes are equipped with built-in auxiliary devices of a certain hardness, such as built-in heel cups and arch support pads, the shoes will effectively reduce heel pressure, impact force and forefoot pressure, ensure health, and improve the wearing comfort of the shoes. You can also add forefoot pads and heel pads when wearing high heels to reduce foot injuries.

High heels will affect the health of foot bones.    The decrease in the angle of the adjacent joints is called flexion; conversely, the increase in the angle of the adjacent joints is called extension. In written language, the sole of the foot is called "plantar". Plantar flexion makes the ankle joint loose and unstable, and it can move sideways, which greatly increases the chance of sprain, and is prone to ligament injury, tendon rupture and even fracture. If the heel is too high, the metatarsophalangeal joint is in a state of excessive dorsiflexion, which will lead to metatarsophalangeal joint subluxation and even fatigue fracture (stress fracture). When wearing high heels, the sole of the foot is in a "flexed" state, in plantar flexion, while the metatarsophalangeal joint is in extension.

Are thick high heels safer than thin high heels? The damage to the knees is not much different. However, thin heels are indeed more likely to make people lose their center of gravity and sprain their ankles. Thick high heels increase knee joint wear by 22%, while thin high heels increase it by 26%.

High heels will make you graceful, but it is a real torture from the toes to the spine. The most obvious thing is that the heel is raised, and the weight originally borne by the whole foot is concentrated on the forefoot, which is not suitable for bearing weight, increasing the burden on the forefoot, and often feeling pain when standing and walking.

After wearing high heels, the center of gravity of a person moves forward. In order to maintain balance, the human body trunk will actively lean back. At this time, the physiological curvature of the spine becomes larger, the contact area of ​​the vertebrae decreases, the pressure increases, and the load on the spine increases accordingly. The back and buttocks muscles are in a state of contraction for a long time, which is easy to cause back pain.

Shoes were originally created to protect the feet, and the decorative function was derived later. What are the effects of these styles of shoes on health? What kind of shoes can be both beautiful and healthy? . High heels make you look down on the world and show your imposing manner; pointed shoes can give you femininity or sharpness; the more beautiful the shoes are, the less comfortable they may be to wear, and they may even hurt your feet or other parts of your body. The pain of wearing them is comparable to torture.


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